You may be thinking, "What is the difference between the picture size and the print size?" When you print a picture it takes place in two steps. 

       First, PlantStudio draws the plants you chose into a hidden bitmap that has a certain size. You specify the size of this bitmap in the picture export options window (see Choosing picture sizeChoosing_picture_size>second).

       Second, PlantStudio asks the printer to take the hidden bitmap and convert it to a printed image. PlantStudio can give the printer any physical size and say "fit this bitmap into this space." So you can choose any printed size regardless of how big the hidden bitmap is.

Since the printer stretches the hidden bitmap to fit the printed size, you will get the best representation of what you see on your screen if both sizes are equal. When you print a picture, the picture export options window automatically suggests a print size equal to your picture size (as long as it fits on the page). But you can set the print size to any size you want. 

To change the print size,

       In the picture export options window (when you copy, save or print a picture), click the up or down buttons next to the boxes labeled width and height under the heading Size (inches), or type a new number in either box and press Tab or Enter. If Maintain aspect ratio is checked, the value in the other box may change to keep the width/height ratio the same. 


       In the picture export options window, click Fill page to automatically fill up the whole page. If Maintain aspect ratio is checked, the picture will only fill up as much of the page as it can while maintaining its width/height ratio. If this checkbox is unchecked, the picture will fill the whole page.


       In the picture export options window, click Suggest, which is a shortcut for: setting the picture resolution to the printer resolution; then making the print size the same as the picture size; then using 3/4 inch margins all around; then centering the picture on the page.

The smallest print margins allowed by the current printer are shown as gray lines on the print preview. (If there aren't any gray lines, your printer either doesn't have minimum margins, or it doesn't report them accurately.) Clicking Fill page will respect these minimum margins, but you can increase the print size manually to override them. If you do, the printer may truncate your picture. 

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