Dragging a plant from the main window to the breeder
Dragging a plant from the main window to the breeder does NOT breed the plant. It replaces a plant in the breeder with a copy of the main window plant, and you can then breed from the plant in the breeder. To breed a plant from the main window, choose Breed from the Plant menu.
To drag a plant from the main window to the breeder,
▪ Select the plant.
▪ Drag from the plant list on the main window to a square in the breeder already occupied by a plant.
▪ Hold down the Control and Shift keys, click on the plant in the drawing area on the main window, and drag to a square in the breeder occupied by a plant.
Here’s a good way to clear out all the plants in the breeder quickly: drag a plant from the main window to the first row in the breeder, then double-click on the plant to breed it. All generations below the new generation will clear out.
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