Once you have created some triangles in a 3D object, you can drag the points around to change the size and position of the triangles. Moving the points around to make an interesting 3D shape is an important part of creating 3D objects.

To drag a point on a 3D object in the 3D object editor,

       Click Drag mode .

       If this is your first time dragging points, make sure the points are big enough to move easily. To change the point size, click the arrow button to open the options panel, then change the number labeled Point size.

       Move the mouse over any point in the 3D object. Points will light up when you move the mouse over them. Place the cursor over a point so the circle in the middle of the cursor is over the lit-up point.

       Click to drag the point around in the X and Y dimensions. 


       Shift-click or right-click and drag up to push the point forward in the Z direction (away from you). Drag down to pull the point backward in the Z direction (towards you). 

Tips on dragging points:

       When you drag a point in the Z direction, you cant see the movement in the Z direction in the Edit panel because the Z axis moves directly away from you. But you can see Z movement in the View panels if you rotate the 3D objects there slightly. You will get used to seeing what happens in the View panels when you drag in the Z direction.

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