Fruit parameters
The parameters in the Fruit section describe how fruits are created, grow, and are drawn. Fruits can only come out of primary flowers, so there is only one Fruit section.
Drawing parameters
See the section on A common suite of parameters for drawing 3D objectsA_common_suite_of_parameters_for_drawing_3D_objects.
Optimum biomass, Minimum/maximum days to grow
See the section on A common suite of parameters for growthA_common_suite_of_parameters_for_growth>second.
Growth curve
This growth curve works just like the one for leaves – see the section on Leaf parametersLeaf_parameters>second for a discussion of how the growth curve affects leaf or fruit growth.
Days to ripen once full-sized
The only thing fruits do when they ripen is change from their unripe colors (front/back face) to their ripe colors.
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