Keyboard and mouse shortcuts
In the main window,
▪ Shift-up or down arrow: Move the selected plants forward or backward in the drawing order. You can also do this with the menu shortcuts Control-[ and Control-].
▪ Control-Shift-up or down arrow: Resize the selected plants larger or smaller.
▪ Control-arrow keys: Nudge the selected plants up, down, left or right.
▪ Control-drag a plant: Make a copy of the plant.
▪ Double-click on a plant (in the plant list, not in the drawing): Rename the plant.
▪ Shift-click or right-click when in Magnify mode: Reduce.
▪ Click on the plant bitmapsUsing_plant_bitmaps>main indicator: If plant bitmaps are turned off, this will turn them on.
In the breeder,
▪ Double-click on a plant: Breed a new generation with that plant as the only parent.
In the 3D object chooser,
▪ Double-click on a 3D object: Apply the 3D object to the parameter you are editing.
In the plant mover and 3D object mover,
▪ Double-click on a plant or 3D object in the list: Rename the plant or 3D object.
Popup menus can be accessed by right-clicking (but not by Shift-clicking):
▪ In the plant list on the main window
▪ In the drawing area on the main window (only in the Select/drag cursor mode)
▪ In the sections2DM7_UT drop-down list on the main window
▪ On any parameter panel1YGTBP4 on the main window
▪ On any square in the breeder
▪ On any square in the time series window
Shortcuts for menu items are shown on the menus.
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