Technical support
To help keep down the cost of our products, we normally provide technical support via email only. You do not have to be a registered user to receive email technical support.
If you need help,
▪ First, make sure you’ve exhausted the resources of the help system. Try using the Find tab in the Windows help system Help Topics window to search carefully for information about the problem.
▪ Second, check our web site at for Frequently-Asked Question lists and other troubleshooting help. These areas can probably answer many of your questions.
▪ If you still haven’t found the answer to your problem, send email to If you are having a problem with a particular plant, you can include the plant as part of the email message (see copying plants as textCopying_and_pasting_plants_as_text>main).
▪ We will respond as soon as possible. We try to respond to all email about problems within two to three business days.
▪ If we cannot resolve the situation via email, we may ask you to call us.
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