Navigating in the wizard with the navigation panel
Once you have become familiar with the wizard, you might find the Next and Back buttons a little cumbersome. For a shortcut, just click on the pictures at the bottom of the wizard to quickly move to the wizard page each picture represents. Each picture has a hint that tells what page it represents.
Start page
Meristems199WIB8 page
Internodes13R8I1K page
Leaves page
Compound leaves page
InflorescenceWhat_is_an_inflorescence placement page
Inflorescence drawing page (
if unavailable)
Flowers page (
if unavailable)
Fruits page (
if unavailable)
Finish page
You will find that after you've used the wizard for a while, you will be jumping back and forth between the Finish page and other pages to immediately see the effects of your changes on the wizard plant.
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