Changing editing preferences
To change editing preferences,
▪ Choose Editing from the main window Edit menu.
▪ Click the Selecting tab.
▪ Make your changes to the items below, then click OK.
Items on the Editing tab
▪ Rotation change with up or down click: How many degrees plants are rotated when you click on the up or down arrows on the X, Y and Z rotation boxes on the Rotation panel. See Rotating plantsRotating_plants>second.
▪ Distance plant moves with Control-arrow key: How far plants move when you “nudge” them, in pixels. See Moving plantsMoving_plants>second.
▪ Size increase with Control-Shift-arrow key: How much plants resize when you resize them using the keyboard shortcut, as though you were moving the resizing square1OTL.9O, in pixels.
▪ Width and height of plant pasted from text: When you paste a plant into the main window using the Paste From Text commands in the Edit menu, the plant is fitted into a box of this width and height. How large you want that paste box to be will depend mostly on how large your screen is.
▪ Width and height of resizing square: This is how far across to draw the resizing square1OTL.9O on plants.
See also
Moving and arranging plantsMoving_and_arranging_plants
Zooming, scrolling and rotatingZooming/scrolling/rotating
Resizing plantsResizing_plants
Cutting, copying, pasting and deleting plants74O20Z_
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