Color depth is the number of colors possible in a bitmap. You can export BMP pictures to any of several color depths regardless of how many colors your screen can show. (This choice is not available for JPEG output; JPEG pictures are saved in 24-bit color only.) In the picture export options window (when you copy, save or print a picture), choose a color depth for the export picture from the drop-down box labeled Color depth. A few points are important here:

       Some programs will not input pictures in certain color depths either from the clipboard or from a saved bitmap file, and some printers do not support all color depths. You need to try different color depths with the programs and printers you use and see what works. Most programs and printers support 256-color bitmaps and 24-bit bitmaps.

       The From screen choice creates a device-dependent bitmap (DDB) in whatever color depth the screen is currently using. Since PlantStudio converts a DDB to a device-independent bitmap (DIB) when you copy or print, this choice should work on most systems to copy or print using the current screen color depth. The From screen choice is disabled when saving a picture because bitmap files must be device-independent.

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