In the picture export options window (when you copy, save or print a picture), the first option is labeled Draw which plants? You have four choices of what to draw into the export picture.

       Selected: Draw into the export picture all selected plants, even if they are outside the drawing area. Make the picture only large enough to hold these plants, and don't draw any unselected plants even if they are inside the picture area.

       Visible: Draw into the export picture all plants marked visible in the plant list in the main window, even if they are outside the drawing area. Make the picture only large enough to hold these plants.

       All: Draw into the export picture all the plants in the open plant file, even if they are outside the drawing area or invisible. Make the picture large enough to hold all the plants.

       Drawing area: Draw exactly what you see in the drawing area of the main window. Invisible plants won't be drawn because you can't see them in the main window. Make the picture exactly the size of the drawing area (in pixels). This option is useful if you want to save a zoomed-in or zoomed-out view.

Created with the Personal Edition of HelpNDoc: What is a Help Authoring tool?