Choosing which plants to export to 3D models
To export one plant only to a 3D format file,
▪ Select the plant.
▪ Choose Export > (a 3D file format) from the File menu. The 3D export options window will appear.
▪ In the set of radio buttons labeled Include, choose the selected plants option.
▪ Click Save.
To export some but not all plants in a file to a 3D format file,
▪ Select the plants you want to export, or hideShowing_and_hiding_plants all the other plants.
▪ Choose Export > (a 3D file format) from the File menu. The 3D export options window will appear.
▪ Look at the set of radio buttons labeled Include. If you selected the plants you want to export, choose the selected plants option. If you hid all the other plants, choose the visible plants option.
▪ Click Save.
To export all of the plants in a plant file to a 3D format file,
▪ Choose Export > (a 3D file format) from the File menu. The 3D export options window will appear.
▪ In the set of radio buttons labeled Include, choose the all plants option.
▪ Click Save.
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