Exporting to OBJ
PlantStudio can export 3D plant models to OBJ, the ASCII format of Wavefront’s Advanced Visualizer™ release 3.0. OBJ is read by many 3D programs and is thus a very good multi-purpose choice.
Tips on saving and using OBJ files from PlantStudio
▪ Color information for each OBJ file is written to a separate materials file with the same name as the OBJ file and a MTL extension. The MTL file must reside in the same directory as the OBJ file for your 3D program to read the colors correctly. If you copy your OBJ files to another directory, make sure you copy the MTL files also.
▪ Otherwise there are no special options for the OBJ format; look at the general 3D export helpExporting_3D_models_in_general>main for explanations of all the options you see when exporting to OBJ. If you have problems importing PlantStudio-exported OBJ files, see the common section on troubleshooting export problemsWhat_to_do_if_you_cannot_read_PlantStudio_3D_models>second.
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