Making a bouquet
Making a bouquet moves a group of existing plants together so their bases are at the same point. This produces the visual effect of a bouquet.
To make a bouquet,
▪ Select the plants you want to include in the plant list or drawing area of the main window.
▪ Choose Align > Make into Bouquet from the Layout menu. The plants will move so that they are all at the same point.
Tips on making bouquets
▪ To make your bouquet look a little more natural, you can vary the location, direction, size, and look of plants.
▪ To vary the location of the plants in your bouquet, select one plant at a time, then hold down the Control key and press the arrow keys to nudge the plant slightly. (For more on nudging plants, see Moving plantsMoving_plants>second.)
▪ To vary the direction of the plants in your bouquet, select one plant at a time, then rotate each plant slightly in varying directions and to varying degrees. (For more on rotating plants, see Rotating plantsRotating_plants>second.)
▪ To vary the size of the plants in your bouquet, select one plant at a time, then resize each plant slightly so you get more size variation. (For more on resizing, see Resizing plantsResizing_plants>second.)
▪ To vary the look of the plants in your bouquet, select all the plants in the bouquet, then choose Randomize from the Plant menu. This randomly changesODYQS5 angles and branching patterns in the plants. Keep doing this until you are satisfied with how the bouquet looks.
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