Rotating plants
To rotate plants in the main window,
▪ Click Rotate mode in the toolbar, then click and drag in the drawing area. Drag to the left or right to rotate in the X direction3MEF02G. Drag up or down to rotate in the Y direction. Click with the right mouse button and drag to rotate in the Z direction. All selected plants will rotate as you drag.
▪ Click Rotate mode in the toolbar, then click without dragging in the drawing area. All selected plants will rotate a small number of degrees in the X direction. Right-click or shift-click to rotate the same number of degrees in the opposite direction. (You can change this increment: choose Preferences from the Edit menu, click Editing, and change the number labeled Rotation change with up or down click.)
▪ Make sure the Arrangement panel is showing, then click the up or down buttons on the X, Y or Z rotation boxes, or type a new value in one of the boxes and press Tab or Enter. (You can make the plant rotate around in a circle by pressing and holding down one of the up or down buttons on the X, Y or X rotation boxes.)
▪ Make sure the Arrangement panel is showing, then click Reset rotations. This will reset the x, y and z rotations for all selected plants to zero.
You can change how much plant rotations are changed when you click the up or down arrows on the rotation values in the Rotations panel. Choose Preferences from the Edit menu, click the Editing tab, then change the number labeled Rotation change with up or down click.
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