Reading button and parameter hints
One of the best ways to get a quick introduction to PlantStudio® is to turn on the long button hints and travel around the program pointing at everything. Just hold the mouse still over an item and wait a short time to see the hint. Nearly every item on the screen has a hint. (To turn on long button hints, check the Hints > Show Long Button Hints option in the Options menu.)
Parameter panels on the Parameters tab section of the main window have hints that explain the parameter, not the sliders or buttons or text. On these panels you can right-click and choose Go to Help for This Type of Parameter Panel from the popup menu to get help on how to use that type of parameter panel.
WARNING: Hints only appear when PlantStudio is on top in relation to other programs, including the help system. For example, if you are looking at a help window and you move the mouse over an item on a PlantStudio window behind the help window, you won’t see a hint because the help system is on top. You can tell which window is on top because its title bar is a special color.
More information on
Turning_button_and_parameter_hints_on_and_off>second Turning button and parameter hints on and off
Changing_hint_timing>second Changing hint timing
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