Cutting/copying/pasting/deleting plants
The PlantStudio clipboard operates between the main window, the breeder, the time series window, and the plant mover. You can copy and paste plants back and forth between any of these windows. However, you cannot paste plants into any other program (or even another instance of PlantStudio running on your computer) because PlantStudio uses its own private clipboard. To copy plants outside of PlantStudio, copy plants as textCopying_and_pasting_plants_as_text.
In the main window,
▪ Cut, copy, paste and delete work as you would expect.
In the breeder,
▪ There is no cut option in the breeder.
▪ You can copy a plant from the breeder and then paste it in the main window, or you can choose Send Copy to Main Window as a shortcut.
▪ If you paste into the breeder, the plant you copied (or the focused plant8IN1RV>second if you copied more than one plant) will replace the selected plant in the breeder.
▪ You cannot delete individual plants from the breeder, but you can delete generations.
In the time series window,
▪ There is no cut option in the time series window.
▪ You can copy a plant from the time series window and then paste it in the main window, or you can choose Send Copy to Main Window as a shortcut.
▪ If you paste into the time series window, you will replace the current time series with a new time series based on the plant you copied.
▪ You cannot delete plants from the time series window.
In the plant mover,
▪ Cut, copy, paste and delete work as you would expect. You can copy and paste between the main window and the plant mover; this can be a useful way to transfer plants between files.
See also:
Copying picturesCopying_pictures>main
Copying and pasting plants as textCopying_and_pasting_plants_as_text>main
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