Replacing breeder plants
To replace a breeder plant with a plant from the main window,
▪ Select a plant in the main window. If more than one plant is selected, only the focused plant8IN1RV>second will be used.
▪ Choose Copy from the main window Edit menu, select the breeder plant you want to replace, then choose Paste from the breeder Edit menu.
▪ Hold down the Control and Shift keys and drag the plant from the main window drawing area to any breeder square that has a plant.
▪ Drag the plant name from the plant list in the main window to any breeder square that has a plant.
To replace a breeder plant with another breeder plant,
▪ Select one breeder plant, choose Copy from the breeder Edit menu, then select another plant and choose Paste from the breeder Edit menu.
▪ Drag any breeder plant to any other square in the breeder that has a plant.
To replace a breeder plant with a time series plant,
▪ Select a plant in the time series window (any plant, they're all the same)
▪ Choose Copy from the time series Edit menu, select the breeder plant you want to replace, then choose Paste from the breeder Edit menu.
▪ Drag any plant from the time series window to any square in the breeder that has a plant.
You can only replace one breeder plant at a time from any source.
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