Understanding how the simulation works
PlantStudio is a simulation model of herbaceousLVPPOU (non-tree) plant growth based on
▪ the scientific literature on plant growth,
▪ a simplification of essential processes,
▪ an attempt to mimic the way plants grow and change over their life cycles, and
▪ an attempt to encompass many types of herbaceous plants.
See our note on botanical strengths and limitations1R_5ZID>main for a list of plant structures this version of PlantStudio does and does not simulate well.
General growth concepts:
How_a_plant_grows>second How a plant grows
Types_of_plant_parts>second Types of plant parts
How_plant_parts_are_created>second How plant parts are created
How_plant_parts_grow>second How plant parts grow
How_plant_biomass_is_distributed_among_plant_parts>second How plant biomass1UCKPV3 is distributed among plant parts
Using_the_Stats_panel_to_evaluate_biomass_distribution>second Using the Stats panel to evaluate biomass distribution
Also see the section on Understanding the parametersUnderstanding_the_Parameters>main.
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