Understanding the Parameters
You can get information on each parameter by looking at the parameter hintReading_button_and_parameter_hints>main that appears when you hold the mouse over it in PlantStudio. The explanations below point out important facts that the parameter hints don’t tell you and note how some parameters work together. If a parameter isn’t listed in a section below, the parameter’s hint is all the explanation we have for it. You can also print our copy of all the parameter hintsAll_the_parameter_hints_to_print and refer to it.
We also suggest you read the help section Understanding how the simulation worksUnderstanding_how_the_simulation_works>main before you get into changing the parameters in depth.
Note that when we mention parameters here, we will show what section they are in first, and color them blue, like this: General parameters: Age at maturity.
The parameters by section:
General_parameters>second General parameters
A_common_suite_of_parameters_for_growth>second A common suite of parameters for growth
A_common_suite_of_parameters_for_drawing_3D_objects>second A common suite of parameters for drawing 3D objects
Meristem_parameters>second Meristems (buds)
Internode_parameters>second Internodes (stems)
First_leaf_parameters>second First leaves
Flower_parameters>second Flowers
%Advanced_flower_parameters>second Advanced flower parameters
Inflorescence_parameters>second Inflorescences
Fruit_parameters>second Fruits
Root_top_parameters>second Root top
%Transverse_parameter_sections>second Transverse parameter sections (at the end of the list of sections)
General tips on changing parameters:
▪ Since the plant responds right away to each parameter change you make (regrowing if necessary), you can play with parameters even if you don’t understand what they do. Just remember that you can undo your changes.
▪ Remember that the plant won’t respond until you let up the mouse button when you are using a slider.
▪ You can divide parameters into two large groups: parameters that only change drawing (like colors and sizes) and parameters that change growth (like days and biomass percentages). In each parameter section, changing the parameters in the groups labeled “Drawing” and “Size” is much easier to understand than changing the parameter in the “Creation and growth” or “Timing” groups. Start with the drawing parameters first.
▪ If you change a parameter and the plant doesn’t seem to change, this is often because the expression of the parameter depends on another parameter. For example, if you reduce the biomass required to make a leaf (Leaves: Optimal biomass), the plant’s leaves may not respond until you also change how fast the leaf can grow (Leaves: Minimum days to grow).
▪ If there is a parameter you are having a hard time with, open one of the libraries of plants that came with PlantStudio and look at the parameter you are trying to understand on each plant, one at a time. From the differences you may be able to see what the parameter does.
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