PlantStudio draws stems on the screen by drawing 2D lines between two screen points calculated using 3D geometry. In other words, on the screen PlantStudio stems dont really have a third dimension. But in most 3D output formats this fake-3D method doesnt work (POV is a notable exception). So PlantStudio writes out stems to most 3D format as 3D cylinders with a number of sides. You can control how many sides the exported stem cylinders have. We have found that five sides is the best compromise between complexity and looks.

To change the number of sides on an exported stem,

       In the Other options panel of the 3D export window, change the number labeled Draw stems as cylinders with # sides by clicking the up or down arrows or editing the number and pressing Tab or Enter.

       If you cant find such a number on the window, the export type you are using doesnt use polygon cylinders.

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