The tutorial helps you get started with the basics of using PlantStudio.® We’ve arranged the tutorial lessons in order of increasing complexity, so if you are a new user you will want to start at the beginning. But you don’t have to do the lessons in order, and you can do any lesson by itself if you like.
The tutorial lessons
▪ Making a plant1HZT4>main guides you through using the wizard to make a new plant.
▪ Viewing and editing plantsH79BHQ>main helps you learn about animating, copying, selecting, randomizing, moving, rotating and resizing plants.
▪ Changing plant parameters3MLEKN>main leads you through changing a plant’s defining characteristics.
▪ Arranging plants.O6KVH>main helps you import some plants from a file, create an arrangement of plants, and export them.
▪ Breeding new varieties1U0G0VA>main introduces you to the breeder and helps you evolve new plant varieties.
▪ PosingGMNFR helps you change a plant by rotating and scaling its constituent parts.
▪ Changing a 3D object1_D9_5K gets you started making your own adaptations to leaves and petals.
Tips on using the tutorial
▪ While you are doing the tutorial you should keep this help window on your screen alongside PlantStudio. If your screen is too small to do this easily, you can print out all the tutorial topics and work from the printed versions instead. To print all the tutorial topics, follow the link to the first tutorial lesson, click the Print button to print the first lesson, then click the >> arrow to move to the next lesson, print that lesson, and go on until you have the entire tutorial printed out.
▪ The notes in [square brackets] throughout the tutorial explain what to do if the program doesn’t appear the way we say it should. For example, some viewing and drawing options might be different if anyone has already used the program. If things are going as expected, you can skip over these notes.
▪ We assume you are familiar with Windows and know how to use file open/save dialogs, buttons, drop-down lists, menus, and other common interface items. If you have problems with any of these things, check your Windows help system.
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